PTSD Recovery The Argument For Hope


One of the most incapacitating symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is the sense of hopelessness created as a result of the trauma.

It is debilitating. Hopelessness robs the sufferer of any motivation to fight. Sometimes, you are able to power yourself with stimulants into frenzied daily activity but eventually your lagging spirit will no longer allow even this. The intense crippling fatigue that is always present has you barely stumbling your way through the most menial tasks, leaving little vitality to face the fire-breathing dragon that recovery often appears to be.


But you can recover.


The brain has an extraordinary capacity to create new connections. You can, in fact, heal. Just as neural connections were created by the event, new connections can be made that minimize and diffuse the power of the ordeal’s symptoms, allowing you to have a normal, happy life again.


A sense of safety is crucial for healing. To do this the brain must be brought to a state of calm. We have numerous ways to achieve this.


Sound Therapy

The brain neurons created massive numbers of crucial connections during the event to prepare the fight-or flight hormonal response necessary to cope with the ferocity of the trauma. This raised the overall brain frequency to excessive levels in several key regions. However, when a person is struggling with PTSD these areas are stuck operating at very high frequencies. It is these frequencies which create the feelings of anxiety and distress. Fortunately, neurons have an extraordinary ability to match their vibration speed to sound. Since sound produces vibration, we use slow vibration sounds embedded in calming music to change your brain speed. To receive the benefits of this therapy you simply need to lay back, relax and listen to our soothing music.

Neurotransmitter Rebalancing

Brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are secreted by the neurons to assist the passing of electricity from one cell to another. During the trauma, a new ratio of brain neurotransmitters was created to allow the body to respond to the emergency. Following the trauma, the brain tries to restore normal balance. But the severity of the chemical change creates a situation that is almost impossible to recover without intervention. Calming neurotransmitters like serotonin and acetylcholine are severely depleted.  In fact, the brain will preferentially chose to create the neurotransmitters necessary to perpetuate the fight-or-flight response. Because all neurotransmitters are formed from the same basic building blocks the calming ones are often bypassed. Eventually, the entire chemical system is in danger.  Excessive anxiety is the result. GABA in particular is highly beneficial but over the counter supplementation of GABA does nothing, as it cannot cross into the brain. Carefully timed and chosen supplementation restores neurotransmitter balance making it easier for the brain to reestablish a sense of peace.

Adrenal support

The adrenal gland is, in large part, responsible for creating the peripheral (not in the brain) hormones required to cope with severe emotional events. Unfortunately, the adrenal gland continues to secrete excessive levels of these hormones following the trauma whether the event has been resolved for weeks, months, even years prior. At some point, the gland becomes exhausted and is unable to meet the demand. This signals the lowest levels of fatigue, brain fog and depression. Whether it is functioning at excessive or deficient levels, nutritional supplementation targeted to stabilize and rebalance your adrenal gland reestablishes calm and emotional resilience.


The ancient medical practice of acupuncture has been an integral part of healing for centuries. Its systematic patterns recognize the potent mind/body connection that is lacking in most forms of healing. Sessions of acupuncture produce an almost immediate sense of calm since it downregulates the sympathetic nervous system, the mechanism responsible for creating the brain and body changes that allowed you to survive the traumatic event. Acupuncture has the added benefit of being able to heal any physical traumas and lingering pain associated with trauma while calming your psyche. The addition of electrical stimulation at the pain site can greatly increase its therapeutic value. During the use of sound frequencies, it can be employed to teach your body to associate the calming effects of both sound frequency therapy and acupuncture with hand signals. By showing you simple hand point to press when you are distressed, it can immediately wash your mood with a sense of calm.


The practice of homeopathy is another form of alternative medicine that addresses the traumatic experience holistically. This term is often interchanged with herbal medicine forms, yet few understand its true meaning. Homeopathy and its more Western medicine-based counterpart, homotoxicology, can be used in either pill, tincture, or injection form to counterbalance the effects of overstimulation without drugs. Homeopathic medicines are created by diluting natural substances and mechanically shaking them at high speed (percussed). A mother tincture is made with 1 part raw material added to 10 parts water and percussed. A smaller dilution is made when 1 part of the new tincture is mixed with a high percentage of water again and percussed. The process of repeatedly diluting and percussing produces medicines of more varied and higher potencies. Since this procedure creates an energetic imprint on water, any recognizable trace of the original substance is eventually removed. There is, consequently, no allergic effect nor unpleasant side effect ever created from its use. This makes homeopathy safe and easy to use as a take home protocol.


Bach Flower Therapy

Another holistic healing modality, Bach Flower Therapy is focused entirely on identifying the set of emotions you are experiencing at any given moment. This is another energetic medicine, based on homeopathy and created by one its most celebrated scientists. The practitioner identifies each uncomfortable emotion and matches it to a natural essence to create an individual formula designed to relax and restore the mind. The formula is administered in water 4 times each day. Like its homeopathic counterpart, It is safe, nonnarcotic, easy to use and has zero side effects.


As you can see, we have multiple ways of addressing the anxiety, depression and hopelessness that accompanies PTSD. Your individualized program will be created based on your needs, financial constraints and treatment option preferences, since we believe self-empowerment is a crucial element when healing from PTSD. Call us today to schedule your initial evaluation.


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