PTSD Sound Therapy


The treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) symptoms is complex and varied as the physical effects of exposure to emotional trauma has far-reaching consequences within the body systems.

The use of sound to create acoustically induced relaxation is a marvelous tool that works with the brain to produce calm without the use of medications.


Post Traumatic Self Defense Sound Therapy System

The Post Traumatic Self Defense Sound Therapy System is an innovative soundwave therapy, utilizing new technology pioneered by Dr. Joseph Nőrpel, that acoustically induces deep states of relaxation for the treatment of the symptoms of PTSD.  This system is safe and effective, requiring no drugs, surgeries, or psychotherapy, although it can be performed concurrently with other forms of therapy.


What is it?

The right and left ears listen to two slightly different imbedded frequency tones layered with calming music.  Just as 2 individual images are registered by the eyes and processed as one image during normal sight, so 2 sound beats entering the brain are processed and perceived as one sound beat.

The binaural (or 2 ear) auditory beat that a person ultimately hears is the difference in frequency between the left and the right ear. For example, if the left ear registers a tone at 200 Hz and the right at 210 Hz, the binaural beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz


Why is the Herz (Hz) Significant?

There are 4 types of brainwaves:

  • Delta waves (below 4 hz) occur during sleep
  • Theta waves (4-7 hz) are associated with sleep, deep relaxation (like hypnotic relaxation), and visualization
  • Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm
  • Beta waves (13-38 hz) occur when we are actively thinking, problem-solving, etc.


These waves are occurring simultaneously and an overall mix is being generated at any given time. An optimum combination is required to create any given state. For example, brain activity high in beta waves enables problem solving skills while you are working yet produces too much mental activity when you try to relax and fall asleep at night. Without an engaging and difficult problem with which to grapple, anxiety results. The perfect blend of waves is necessary for peak matching to the current activity, whether it is completing a complex tax form or actively dreaming while asleep.


Situations of extreme pain and stress as well as medications, alcohol and fatigue all create an environment where the brain can become “stuck” in a wave pattern.

This system creates Neuroplasticity, a brain capable of being resilient, moving gracefully from one balanced state to another, which is crucial for optimal emotional and physical health.



How Does It Work?

Binaural Beat Sound Therapy is a safe, non-invasive, passive relaxation technique that changes wave patterns from high beta dominant to a calmer, more relaxed alpha or theta state, thereby teaching the brain resiliency. It uses bone conducting headphones and gel insulated speakers strategically located on the body to produce a pleasant “surround-sound” experience of listening to music, while maintaining freedom of movement in zero gravity suspension.


What Makes Our System So Unique

Equipment placement and selection engineers a tingling sound vibration throughout the body, as it uses your bones and connective tissue to transmit sound, not through the ears, but through the body. This breakthrough technique creates a more complete and immediate effect on the vibrational pattern of the listener. The brain, always scanning both the internal and external body, rapidly matches the frequency it identifies; almost instantaneous relaxation and calm are the result.


Benefits and Risks

Potential benefits include:

  • reduced stress
  • reduced anxiety
  • improved interpersonal relationships
  • increased focus
  • increased concentration
  • increased motivation
  • increased confidence
  • deeper meditation
  • improved psychomotor performance and mood


There are no known risks to the listener.


While the Post Traumatic Self Defense Sound Therapy System is one of a number of healing modalities we use to re-train the brain following a traumatic (series of) event(s), it is an easily experienced sense of restorative calm. It is safe, non-invasive, calming and healing. It can be used multiple times per week. In fact, the more often it is used, the more efficiently the brain entrains to the new frequencies Post Traumatic Self Defense Sound Therapy System is, for this reason, the cornerstone of our anxiety, depression and PTSD programs.   Call us or schedule through our website to request your initial evaluation and to try a session of sound frequency therapy.


Some research on the effectiveness of Binaural Beat therapy:

  1. Short-Term Effects of Binaural Beats on EEG Power, Functional Connectivity, Cognition, Gait and Anxiety in Parkinson’s Disease.

Gálvez G1Recuero M1Canuet L2Del-Pozo F2. International  Journal of  Neural Syst. 2017 Nov 13:1750055. doi: 10.1142/S0129065717500551Study concluded that as little as 2 10 minute sessions, 7 days apart, were enough to make significant improvements to the working  memory of Parkinson’s Disease patients.


  1. Effectiveness of binaural beats in reducing preoperative dental anxiety. Isik BK1Esen A2Büyükerkmen B3Kilinç A2Menziletoglu D2 Br Journal of Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul;55(6):571-574. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2017.02.014. Epub 2017 Mar 18. Study concluded a significant reduction in preoperative anxiety from dental surgery.


  1. Original sound compositions reduce anxiety in emergency department patients: a randomised controlled trial. Weiland TJ1Jelinek GAMacarow KESamartzis PBrown DMGrierson EMWinter C.) (Med J Aust.2011 Dec 19;195(11-12):694-8. Studied concluded moderately anxious ED patients, state anxiety was reduced by 10%-15% following exposure to purpose-designed sound interventions. 

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