The Straight Skinny: Why B12 Is In Every Weight Loss Injection


So, I get into an argument with the Groupon marketing people over my fat loss injectable.

They want me to advertise only cheap B12 injections, instead of the more costly injectable I researched and created. People believe B12 is the only vitamin that enhances weight loss, I’m told.


Hmmm… Really? Time to set the record straight.


B12 has a very nominal effect on fat loss. Sorry. I know you don’t want to hear this. But it is true.


So why is it being offered everywhere? And why is it part of my injectable as well?

B12 can increase energy in people that are deficient. A B12 deficiency is usually caused by a diet low in animal proteins, although a well-conceived and executed vegetarian or vegan diet need have no such deficit. Eating a very high carbs junk food diet, or those on restricted food intake from weight loss alterations like bariatric surgery i. Low B12 can sap energy.


As a weight loss helper, it may make you feel better. From behind my medical office desk, anything that gets my patient into the gym is a good thing. But there is another reason. Depending on the type of B12 included, it can reduce inflammation. And inflammation is a notorious weight gain villain. But it is highly dependent on the type of B12 whether it is harmful or beneficial.


And, guess what? The cheaper form, the one found in most weight loss injectables, is not the good kind.


Stay tuned for our next installment “Why the B12 in Your Fat Loss Injection Matters”.


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